13230 Executive Park Terrace
Germantown, MD 20874
Two years ago, LeRoy Carhart opened the doors of his late-term abortion clinic in Germantown, and Maryland immediately became the late-term abortion capital of the U.S. There has been an ongoing Prayerful Vigil over these 2 years as the Body of Christ has gathered to PRAY on the sidewalk every week, and over 70 babies have been saved from abortion and countless lives have been transformed!
Let Your Light Shine – Come and Pray With Us!
Join us in Germantown on Monday, December 10th, from 8 – 10am, as we remember the hundreds of lives lost at Carhart’s hands, and the dozens of lives SAVED by faithful Prayer & Action! For all of the details and information about the event, please visit http://PrayForGermantown.com/.
Please help us Spread the Word about this event. You can forward this email, post a link to the website, or download and print out the flyer that is available at http://MDCoalitionForLife.com/.