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April 15, 2012 @ 4:00 pm – 5:00 pm
St. Agnes Catholic Church
5422 Old Frederick Rd
Catonsville, MD 21228
5422 Old Frederick Rd
Catonsville, MD 21228
Ann S. Boland
Please join us as we conclude this year’s Baltimore 40 Days for Life Campaign on Divine Mercy Sunday, with a special devotions followed by a Pot Luck lunch.
If the City government were a bsusneis and the recent strategic planning session (two all expense paid days in Annapolis for all senior leaders) was evaluated for return on investment, there would be mass firings.While Mr. Humpton has yet to stand and deliver to us taxpayers how they plan to invest our money going forward, the newspaper reports show almost no real progress on anything that Gaithersburg citizens really need.It is time for the people of Gaithersburg to remind those who live on our tax dollars that they work FOR us. That they are not ABOVE us. The term, I believe, is public servant.It is time to poll the taxpayers and find out what they feel the priorities should be and then compare that to the budget expenditures.One example, each and every citizen of Gaithersburg is watching while the City spends $400 per person on a new swim center. That’s $1,600 for a family of four. I wonder if that family would write that check willingly of if they would feel robbed .Passively letting things take their own course has resulted in a City government that publicly insults citizens when they express legitimate concerns about safety and then secretly builds parks for wealthy neighborhoods. The money spent on that park would blanket Olde Town and the surrounding area with cameras and that would have a major impact on crime. The time for action is upon us.
that the crime rates in those areas will drop from being considered Hot LZ’s.I would like to see the same in MD. Gun bans only take rwaponey away from the good guys. Bad guys wontr care and will get weapons anyway.