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March 10, 2012 @ 3:00 pm – 5:00 pm
Annapolis Pregnancy Clinic
934 West St
Annapolis, MD 21401
934 West St
Annapolis, MD 21401

We’re grateful to the many people who supported us during the hard work of making this house into a beautiful clinic for our clients!
We would like to thank you for your prayers and support of the Pregnancy Clinic Ministry and invite you to celebrate the opening of our new Annapolis location.
Lots of helpful information. I have bookmarked your site.
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Policies on sex education vary from state to state. The pobelrm with allowing parents to opt their kids out of the sex ed class is that those are often the students who need it most, and when they get pregnant, society often bears the cost of raising the children, through various kinds of aid, food stamps, etc. Teens who have babies aren’t able to get the education and training they need to support their children. It’s a societal pobelrm.A study years ago showed that when parents are the most adamant about their kids having sex (threatening to throw them out of the house, etc.), the kids are MORE likely to get pregnant. When kids have knowledge about sex AND information about the futures they can expect with and without children, they are more likely to take steps to avoid pregnancy.I agree that reducing unwanted pregnancies is the best way to reduce abortions.
This is one case where I agree .tubal pregnancies are the only case where iiomenattrn of the pregnancy is moral .because the baby cannot grow in the mother’s fallopian tubes and unfortunatly, cannot be transplanted into the womb. Im so happy for your friend that she was able to go on and have another child. You’re so right there is a big difference between having no choice and making a choice to end a life when the baby is where it should be.
This is the 14th Anniversary for Hong Kong to be under China’s One Country, Two Systems rule . HK governement tried to rope the HK nicizets the right for a public hearing about the plot to implement a legislation to eliminate the re-election to fill any vacant legislative seats. This legislation is a huge set up in the democracy development. In fact, HK government has denied the mainland China pregnant wives who are married to HK nicizets to give birth in HK. These mothers have to be fined heavily in China and be separated from the family when trying to give birth. Additionally, HK local pregnant mothers are having hard time finding hospitals willing to schedule the delivery.
Great! thanks!
a baby has a heartbeat while in the merohts stomach and you are taking that heartbeat away so it is taking its life which is killing. why? because you werent ready. the baby didnt ask to be here, and it is painful for the baby, if you watch a abortion video the baby tries its best to get away but the mother gets medicine for pain. It is 2011 wake up! there is now BIRTHCONTROL,CONDOMS etc. If you dont want it use adoption. if you killed a baby while of of your stomach its MUDERING. god help you
I’m totally gaianst abortion. If a girl isn’t ready to be a parent, she’s not ready to have sex. Many people kill their kids while others wish they could be blessed with one. And the I got raped argument isn’t good enough. If you don’t want/can’t take care of a child put him/her up for adoption. Give him/her a chance to live, at least! There is absolutely no valid reason for abortion! Unless the fetus is severely deformed or really sick or something.
These stories are not uinamilfar to me, since I am the blessed mommy of a former orphan from China. The stories only get worse, and while the Chinese people are beautiful (most), their government is evil. I hugged my precious daughter even more today. My prayer is that she grows up knowing this truth, but also convinced of her immeasurable value. God bless these men and women, and bestow grace and peace to their hearts. God bless the beautiful woman who abandoned her baby so that she would be found and become my baby. I KNOW IN MY HEART her birth mother LOVED HER too.
I have only known Wendy for a little over a year. Being nourad on the weekends helping out at her wonderful home was always a blessing. Wendy even welcomed my crazy 110 lb. German Shepherd Dog (Rea) into her home after learning that I kept her in the truck. I’ll never forget the happy look in Wendy’s eyes when Rea ran into the home to greet her on the couch. It was easy for me to see Wendy’s love and connection to dogs. The short times that we talked were always fun, kind and evenly split between her family, friends, dogs and the Redskins even though I happen to be a Ravens fan. It was an honor to meet you Wendy. God bless you and may you rest in peace. Gary Distler.
do you know how sad and sick it is to do that to a baby that hasnt even been born yet? its murdering a child. it snulodht be your choice to take its life. your a really fucked up person if you wanna or did get an abortion. and yeah there are ways to prevent pregnancy. use them. or dont have sex. your choice. abortion is murder. if you dont want them, put the, up for adoption. or spend a few weeks with them before you put them up for adoption. make sure you really want to.
Abortion is no differnt then enosmoe who walks up to a child and kills the child just because they cant controll there own life. If you get an aboration your killing a child. It’s not the childs fault that you cant have safe sex or that your not a Christian. What gives people the right to kill a child of God? If only the mother of the child knew whats awaits her in the after life for doing so, maybe she would of turned to God and Jesus for the answers before killing her own Child
said tubal pregnancies are the only case where tremination of the pregnancy is moral I think that when a woman gets pregnant from a rape, especially when her attacker is a family member or a really creepy person,. we don’t have the right to force her to go through the whole pregnancy. In many cases the father would have visitation rights, and the victim would have to endure 18 or 21 years of having her attacker in her life. Saying that abortion is always wrong ignores this.
Any time the life of a preborn child is directly attacked, it is wrong. The fact that the mother had been the victim of a rape, does not change the fact that the preborn child is also an innocent victim of that crime. As devastating as giving birth to a child after a rape is, it is more devastating to the child to be aborted, and when that child has died, the mother lives with the rape and now the abortion. Most rape and molestation victims and survivors would tell you their assailent is not in their life because of visitation, but because of his crime, a crime they deal with long after the child is grown.