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March 12, 2012 @ 9:15 pm – March 13, 2012 @ 12:30 am
St Mary's Church
111 Duke of Gloucester St
Annapolis, MD 21401
111 Duke of Gloucester St
Annapolis, MD 21401
2012 Schedule
5:15 Non Denominational Service & Catholic Mass
6:30 March through Annapolis
7pm Rally at Lawyer’s Mall
8pm Chick-fil-A and fellowship back at St. Mary’s
2012 Speakers & Clergy
Derek McCoy, MD Family Council
Sean McKavitt, Senior, St. Mary’s High School
Kelly Stauffer, Silent No More
Tracey Tiernan, 95.1 Shine FM radio host
Cardinal-designate Edwin F. O’Brien
Archdiocese of Baltimore
Pastor Charlie Baile
Shady Grove Presbyterian
Bishop Barry C. Knestout
Bishop Francisco Gonzalez, S.F.
Bishop Dennis Madden
i would like to know as well do to the recent ntaure of the area i live in pg i would feel safer and more confident in my work as an hvac repair man who is contracted in the worst areas, i carry daily, refrigerant, large spools of copper and money in order to purchase equipment on the spot at distributors, i have been help up for my copper by men with knives as well as boys in large groups, the police cant do anythign about it or cant be there to prevent it.
You are a hazard to revidrs on MD Route 100 by standing on the bridge waving your arms as if you are in distress. As a lawmaker(??),you should be more concerned with the welfare and safety of your constiuents. You fail to realize that revidrs are distracted by any type of unusual activity. As I remember from the last election, your brother in law was admonished by the police for such activity on Route 50. No matter how you try to defend this callous self edificing promotion; it is inherently dangerous to all revidrs. It matters not whether an accident has occurred or not. I also take umbrige with your unsuccessful legislative record during the past 8 years in office. Zero productivity does not speak well for a representative of our District!! I will work very hard for your opponents to unseat you. Also how dare you cast negsativity against James Braswell for supporting a friend during the last election. Friendship is a true blessing from above.
Hi folks, I’d like to write a post on the Orton Family Foundation blog about your project. Think you’d want to pvoirde a quote for the post? What you’re doing is awesome and inspirational. Jill