30 Melvin Ave
Catonsville, MD 21228
Have you ever had opportunities pass you by when you could have made a difference if you had just known how to reach the abortion minded person – a relative, stranger, or friend?
Well, then, this is for you!
Saturday, June 16th, from 9am to 3:30pm
St. Mark’s Church, Coakley Room, 30 Melvin Avenue, Catonsville 21228
Through Pro-life Apologetics Training (Pro-life 101) using part of the “Making Abortion Unthinkable” DVD series from Stand to Reason, attendees will receive a comprehensive and practical guide to presenting the facts about abortion and why it should be outlawed in a peaceful, charitable, rational and intelligent way. It will show how to answer common objections in a respectful way, in order to convince pro-choice people that abortion is wrong.
$15 fee for the training binder & lunch. Payment can be made by credit card (call RSVP # or fill out and return bottom of attached form) or check.
Appropriate for all adults and mature high school juniors and seniors.
9:30 Introduction
9:45 Session 1: Simplifying the Issue
10:45 Break
11 Session 2: The Scientific Case
12pm Lunch (provided)
1 Session 3: The Philosophical Case
2 Break
2:15 Session 4: Answering the Objections
3:15 Closing
Please RSVP by Monday, June 11th to johanna.coughlin@archbalt.org or (410) 707-9842.