40 Days for Life will be hosting Father Denis Wilde, O.S.A., Ph.D. the Associate Director of Priests for Life as a speaker. He will be speaking at Holy Redeemer Catholic Church, 4902 Berwyn Rd., College Park, MD 20740 on Saturday March 16 at• 10:15 A.M. There will be refreshments in 4 Seasons Room (Basement) at 9:30 AM. Fr. Wilde was Associate Professor of Music at Villanova University from 1977 to 1998, before he joined Priests for Life.
A Long Island native, Fr. Wilde is a professional pianist and presents piano recitals around the country in conjunction with pro-life ministry. Father Wilde received his Ph.D. in music from The Catholic University of America (1984) and had been professionally engaged as choral director at Villanova and as guest conductor in five continents. viagra 50 mg Father feels a unique interest in relating music and pro-life ministry much as the heart is moved through beauty in life.
He regularly appears on EWTN’s “Defending Life” program at 11PM Thursday nights.
All are invited. Janice Oliver ~ 301-518-3874 Campaign Coordinator