Help tell the story of the amazing things God has done in Germantown over the past 4 years. Two Crown Productions is producing the film “Saved” to highlight some of the stories of the 250 babies that have been saved since Leroy Carhart’s arrival in Germatown in December 2010. For more information about the film and how you can help, visit their website:
There will be a benefit concert THIS SATURDAY from 1-5pm at Mother of God in Gaithersburg (20501 Goshen Rd). See below for more information.
Do You Like Good Music,
Good Food, and Babies?
Then come to the
Outdoor Benefit Concert!
“To date, there have been more than 220 babies saved outside of late term abortionist LeRoy Carhart’s
office in Germantown due to the work of the sidewalk counselors and the vast team of people
who support them through prayer and other spiritual works.
Clearly, something special is happening in Germantown! To tell this gripping story a 30 minute broadcast quality video production, entitled “SAVED” is being created by Two Crown Productions, LLC.
This documentary is about the late-term abortions occurring in Germantown and can impact the national conversation about late term abortion concerning legislation to protect the unborn, and inspire others to respond to an abortion clinic nearby. YOUR HELP IS NEEDED to make this video a reality so that people can SEE what late term abortions look like, and realize that this is THE human rights issue of our day.”
(from the Facebook page)
You Can Help!
Please support the film “SAVED” by attending this fun family event.
There will be live music and games, as well as hot dogs, snacks and drinks.
Saturday, May 30, 1-5 PM
Mother of God School Courtyard
20501 Goshen Rd, Gaithersburg, MD 20879
Tickets (at the door) – $10 per person, $50 maximum per family*
To RSVP, contact event organizer Maria Sharafinski at:
** Please bring your own lawn chairs, as seating will be limited **