Hurricane Sandy caused a lot of damage and destruction. But one good thing that resulted from the storm… no abortions in Germantown this week! As you are cleaning up from the damage of the storm, just remember that the storm kept Carhart away and potentially saved the lives of unborn babies. Praise God, two weeks with no abortions in Germantown!
Please join us for our Closing Rally this Sunday night (Nov. 4) at 7:00pm at Mother Seton Parish. We will have a time of praise and worship followed by several great speakers. After the rally we will gather on Wisteria for a cialis 5 mg candle light vigil.
After two weeks of not being here, there is a good chance Carhart will come in on Sunday night to start the 4 day late-term abortion procedure. Let’s be there to cover Carhart, the women seeking abortions, and their unborn children in prayer. Prayer is our best way to bring an end to abortion in Germantown. “For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.” Ephesians 6:12