Your Prayers WORKED!!!
Germantown Pregnancy Choices is now fully operational! GPC is a Referral and Resource Center for women considering abortion (early or late-term) and for women who have already made that tragic and costly decision. The volunteers at GPC work closely with the local Pregnancy Centers to get these women and their families to a trained counselor as soon as possible.
Below is a picture of MDCFL with leadership and representatives from area churches, on the front porch of the office (door on the left):
From Left to Right: Martha Hudson – Pro-Life coordinator at Shady Grove Presbyterian Church, Bob Nelson – Minister of Pastoral Care at Immanuel’s Church, Sarah Hall – Shady Grove Presbyterian Church, Michele Kelly – Volunteer Counselor at Rockville Pregnancy Center, Pastor Colin Seager – Sr. Pastor of Derwood Bible Church, Pastor Charlie Baile – Pastor of Shady Grove Presbyterian Church, Michael Martelli – Executive Director of MD Coalition for Life, Pastor Andy Nagel – Associate Pastor of Neelsville Presbyterian Church, Andrew Glenn -Campaign Director of Germantown 40 Days for Life, and George Kelly – Mother Seton Parish.
Click the photo to see full size image, or
On the right is a view of Carhart’s clinic
from the front porch of our office! (NO ZOOM)
Click to see all the photos of the rental space, inside and out!
We have been working on this since the middle of December, and now it is a reality, due in large part to YOUR prayers and support. The monthly expenses needed to run GPC are about $2,500.
How Can You Help??
The online donation page is fully operational now, and can accept one-time AND recurring donations, and can be found at
We ask you to please support us with a monthly recurring donation at, as soon as you can. ALL donations received at this website will go directly to support this Referral and Resource Center.
Thank you so much for your support!