by mdcoalition | Aug 2, 2012 | Main
On Tuesday, July 24th, a young woman, pregnant and heading into Planned Parenthood with an abortion appointment, was purposefully viagra sale engaged in conversation by those out front praying. She was encouraged to go to the Annapolis Pregnancy Clinic for help...
by ginnie | Aug 1, 2012 | Main
Everybody knows the story: The owner of the Chick-fil-a chain of restaurants announces that he believes marriage is between a man and a woman. The GLBT community turns him into their favorite whipping boy, demands boycotts against the fast food place and tries to...
by ginnie | Aug 1, 2012 | Main
Seventeen different Christian Churches gathered to pray that the horrors visited on the order cialis online Preborn by Leroy Carhart be stopped. They called on the Divine Mercy of God and the intercession of Our Lady of Guadelupe. Check out this video. Click Here To...