by mdcoalition | Feb 7, 2017 | Main
We reported on Thanksgiving that Carhart had left Maryland and would no longer be performing abortions in Germantown. Unfortunately, that does NOT seem to be the case. Thankfully he was absent from Maryland for about 2 months… but has now returned. There is also...
by mdcoalition | Mar 29, 2013 | Main
As we pause today to remember the death of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, let us also pause to remember why He died…so that He could Rise Again from the grave, conquer death, and offer the Gift of Eternal Life!! Let us also praise God for the gift of 2 lives...
by mdcoalition | Mar 21, 2013 | Main
2 weeks ago, 2 lives were spared from abortion at the hands of Leroy Carhart. That makes a total of 90 lives (that we know of) that have been spared from death. Thanks in large part to the Prayer and Action of the community and prayer warriors that are at Germantown...
by mdcoalition | Mar 11, 2013 | Main
Join us tonight for the 40th Maryland March for Life, starting at St Mary’s Church in downtown Annapolis. At 5:15pm, there will be a Catholic Mass celebrated by Archbishop William E. Lori inside of St Mary’s. At the same time, in the High School Cafeteria...
by mdcoalition | Mar 7, 2013 | Press Release
Press Release from MD House of Delegates and MD State Senate. Please contact your MD legislators NOW and urge them to vote YES for both HB1312 and SB456. Go to to determine who your elected officials are. Contact: Delegate Neil...