40 Days for Life has been instrumental in the changing of Hearts and Minds across the country, and throughout the world, towards a Culture of Life. And in just 2 days, we will focus on what can be done in Annapolis BETWEEN 40 Days for Life Campaigns!
10:25am – Intro music by Ron Leet 10:30am – Opening Prayer and Comments by Fr Krastel (St Mary’s Respect Life Chaplain) 10:40am – 40 Days for Life and 40 Years of Abortion by Michael Martelli (MD Coalition for Life) 10:55am – Annapolis Pregnancy Clinic Presentation by Pamela Palumbo (CEO of Pregnancy Clinic Ministry) 11:20am – Special Acoustic Performance by Ron Leet 11:25am – Personal Testimony and Information About Option 2 Adopt – Teresa Leet (Founder of Option 2 Adopt) 11:35am – Special Gift for Attendees and Closing Comments by Michael Martelli 11:45am – Closing Prayer by Pastor Paul Schindler (Senior Pastor of Living Hope Church) 11:50am – Procession to the Annapolis Pregnancy Clinic Building (Everyone) 12noon – Prayer and Dedication Service, Tours of APC Building (MD Senator Ed Reilly, Pamela Palumbo, Fr Krastel, Pastors Paul Schindler and Carlton Matthews) 12:45pm – Lunch for Operation Beautify participants (workers) 1 – 5pm – Operation Beautify Begins!! If you are able, we encourage you to bring tools with you for the work day following the Prayer Service – gloves, rake, edger, trimmer, shovels, tiller, brooms, Windex, paper towels, handled scraper, heavy duty trash bags, hammers, nails, screwdrivers, how much to buy viagra in pounds levels, brooms, dust clothes, cleaners, drop clothes, paintbrushes, and whatever else you can think of!
We will also need help with setup and clean-up after the Rally. It shouldn’t be too much, but if you can help, please shoot me an email at michael@MDCoalitionForLife.com. ***Are you, or someone you know, in the “heating oil” business? The upstairs heating unit at APC runs on oil, and we need to setup a recurring agreement to have oil delivered to heat the upstairs. We would certainly prefer to work with a “supportive” company if at all possible! If so, please email me right away. Thanks!
Thank you and God Bless, Michael F Martelli Executive Director of Maryland Coalition for Life Host of Living Hope for Life TV (410) 775-6670 http://www.MDCoalitionForLife.com http://www.LivingHopeForLife.org “Today I have given you the choice between life and death, between blessings and curses. Now I call on heaven and earth to witness the choice you make. Oh, that you would choose life, so that you and your descendants might live!” — Deuteronomy 30:19 |