Lives Being Saved in Germantown at a Greater Rate
The past three weeks Carhart has had little to no business –Praise be to God! Last week the office was closed! The week of June 25, a mother had a change of heart; also, only ONE abortion was performed that week!
Monday, June 18, a mother chose life for her baby and went to a pregnancy center; in addition, Carhart had a very low number of abortions that week. This is very encouraging to witness!
This brings the total number of lives saved in Germantown to 55!
After 20 Years, Maryland to Issue Abortion Clinic Regulations
Thanks to you, the Maryland Department of Health and Mental Hygiene (DHMH) on June 22 announced that after 20 years it would finally institute regulations on abortion clinics. This action closes the loophole that allowed surgical canadian viagra abortion facilities to be regulated simply as doctor offices that perform routine care, instead of clinics performing invasive surgery.
Read the story in the Baltimore Sun