Unfortunately Carhart did see 25 women this week…
But 1 life was SAVED!!
On Tuesday “J”, “M” and their young son came into GPC looking for an abortion. They did not talk much but did listen to information about SGPC and realized they lived close to it. They did not want to talk with someone then, but agreed to prayer before they left the office. They did go over to Carhart’s, the man and boy came out to the car, then 6 min after going in she left the office, got in the car and they drove away. Pray they went or called SGPC for an appointment and that they will respond to the information they are offered. Thank God for this gift of life as we begin the new year.
How You Can Pray for Germantown…
Many volunteers and their family members are dealing with illness right now. Pray for quick recovery for everyone who is sick and a decrease in illness as this winter continues.
Thank you to everyone who took time away from their holiday to come and pray on Monday mornings.
This Monday some of you met Phil and some of the men who come and pray with him. They are often up and praying in Germantown early in the morning (5:00am) and return later to pray in GPC multiple times a week. As I was listening to them pray in the backroom, I realized how comforting it is to know people are praying inside and outside of GPC.
This coming Monday is the first meeting for the Germantown 40 Days for Life campaign. The meeting will be in GPC at 7:00. If your church canadian pharmacy viagra has not been involved in this event, you or someone from your church might want to come and find out what it is all about.
Last night there was a power failure at the office which messed up one of our electronic devices. If you or someone you know is good at reading manuals, working with electronic items and codes please let me know. When you contact me I will give you more details regarding the item and problem.