by mdcoalition | Feb 27, 2012 | Main
Videos from the Germantown 40 Days for Life Kickoff Rally are now available at, but I wanted to invite you to let you know how you can make a difference in the life of ANOTHER woman who decided NOT to go through with an abortion at...
by mdcoalition | Feb 18, 2012 | Main Ellen Curro and Ellen Castellano give an update as to purchase viagra in australia what is happening at Germantown Pregnancy Choices. Michael Martelli of Maryland Coalition for Life gives an update on Germantown Pregnancy Choices...
by mdcoalition | Feb 15, 2012 | Main
Urgent: Prayer and Public Witness at the White House Jjk Join us on Thursday, February 16, at 10:30 A.M. in front of the White House for a prayer vigil and public witness against the immoral and unjust mandates President Obama has placed on religious institutions...
by mdcoalition | Feb 1, 2012 | Main
Last Sunday marked the 39th Anniversary of that fateful Roe v Wade decision…but Monday also marked the start of the 40th year of legalized abortion in America. It also means that approximately 54 Million (54,000,000) preborn children have been slaughtered in...