The Maryland Coalition for Life calls for the following 6 actions in response to the death of the woman at the hands of Leroy Carhart on February 7, 2013. Further detailsĀ and plans will be posted shortly – to encourage and ensure that these actions will be taken.

1. Call on Shady Grove Hospital to file a formal report to MD Board of Physicians
2. Call on the MD Board of Physicians to suspend/revoke Carhart’s MD Medical License immediately, pending further investigation
3. Call on the MD Department of Health and Mental Hygiene to shut down Germantown Reproductive Health Services immediately, pending further investigation
4. Call on Todd Stave (owner and landlord) to shut down Germantown Health and Reproductive Health Services immediately, pending further investigation
5. Call upon the Executive Park Terrace Condo Association take steps to close Germantown Reproductive Health Services immediately
6. Call upon the MD Legislature (both House of Delegates and the Senate), as well as Governor O’Malley, to pass and enact the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act ASAP this session

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