The Summer of Mercy 2.0 Starts Tomorrow! Please join us for the Kickoff Rally at Covenant Life Church in Gaithersburg…featuring Fr Frank Pavone of Priests for Life, and Wendy Wright of Concerned Woment For America!
Did you MISS the Summer of Mercy Webcast last night?? NO YOU DIDN'T!!!
In Germantown, late-term healthy, viable babies are killed through abortion by Carhart, who has tried to tell reporters that he only does them in cases of fetal anomaly. On the web cast you will hear from Kiesha, a woman who was scheduled for a late-term abortion by Carhart until caring pro-lifers reached out to her. You won't want to miss her powerful story that blows the lid off the late-term abortion lies! Twenty years ago, God's Spirit moved in Wichita, Kansas, during the original Summer of Mercy, which exposed another late-term abortionist and revitalized a struggling pro-life movement. Now, twenty years later, we encourage you to come and be part of what promises to be a powerful and life-saving event in Germantown. We sense God's Spirit is moving. Now is the time and Germantown is the place to lift our voices and our prayers! We are excited to see what God will do! For more information on the Summer of Mercy 2.0 and for a full event schedule and speaker list, please visit Listen to the Summer of Mercy Webcast Replay Help us get the word out! Please share this message with everyone you know and post it to your social networking sites!
Thank you and God Bless, Michael F Martelli Executive Director of Maryland Coalition for Life Host of Living Hope for Life TV (410) 775-6670 “Today I have given you the choice between life and death, between blessings and curses. Now I call on heaven and earth to witness the choice you make. Oh, that you would choose life, so that you and your descendants might live!” — Deuteronomy 30:19 |
Anonymous, If you read my blog or my books, you should know have ltitle problem talking about race and crime without much concern for being politically correct (see, for instance, “the racial reality,” from Feb 19, 2011). I mean, hell, it’s not like anybody forced me to post the video in the first place. But you make two other points: 1) Everybody stealing in the video is black. Yesss, and… so what? That’s obvious. We can see it. I suspect it’s a black neighborhood. And just how does pointing out the obvious help us understand or prevent this action? If it did, I probably would have mentioned it. I don’t think it matters any more than the race of the clerk. Is he Indian? I can’t tell. 2) You say, “flash mobs are brutally violent toward people with less melanin in their skin.” Well that’s just not true. Well there has been at least some incidents. Wisconsin does come to mind, but I’m not even certain the incident at the state fair was a flash mob. But no, attacking lighter skinned people is not the S.O.P. of the average criminal flash mob. The average criminal flash mob–as opposed to the average song-and-dance flash mob I’m rather fond of–commits crime. When crime happens in nice rich neighborhoods and the victims are white, it makes the news. When it happens in poor minority neighborhoods (I’m assuming, but do not know, as in this video) it does not make the news. At least not unless there’s a hell of a video. Most crime is intra-racial. Blacks (not whites) are the victims of most black crime. There are black racists and white racists. And just think, if they come in equal numbers, there are 7 whites racists for every black racist. This is an overlooked fact that matters tremendously. It means that if more than 13% of non-blacks are racist (a reasonable assumption), then blacks are out numbered by racists. Meanwhile if 13% of blacks are racist, each black racist would be outnumbered approximately 35 to 1. Which gang of idiots do think is more of a threat?Assuming you’re not black (another reasonable assumption), you might be racist. You see the video and see race; I see crime.